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The mission of Oak Hill Kids is to glorify God through discipling and equipping children and families.
Parents with young children will be directed to the Oak Hill Kids Check-In Station upon entry. At the check-in station a volunteer will help you check-in your kids by collecting some information to help us best serve your children. You will be given a Sign out tag to keep for pickup of your child. Arrive at Oak Hill Fellowship by 8:45 AM so you can get your kids checked in, visit the welcome table, and meet some of us before we start worshipping together.
9 AM Classes: We utilize curriculum from The Gospel Project®. This material helps our Elementary to Preschool and teachers uncover the good news of Jesus, God's story of redemption throughout the entire storyline of the Bible. Caring for them so that they grow in wisdom and grace is a high priority in our ministry! As a parent, we provide you with a take-home guide so that you can engage your children about what they learned.
11 AM Intergenerational Discipleship Hour: This class is designed to include all ages including everyone who attends Oak Hill Fellowship Church, as we pursue intentional discipleship, going through our mission and family value. You can find our mission and values on our page, Who We Are.
We have this set up in two parts:
​1. LARGE GROUP INTRODUCTION & ACTIVITIES -- A family (or pair of families) leads the first half hour for the entire large group to introduce the specific mission or family value with a question, answer, and Scripture passage, helping us learn why we believe what we believe.
​2. SAME-AGE DISCUSSION GROUPS -- During the second half hour, participants will break up into same-age discussion groups to review the point made in the Large Group Time and to discuss personal application. This time is structured with a teacher facilitating small group questions moving students towards more personal application.
In past we have utilized other materials like the New City Catechism. On their website, you can find plenty of New City Catechism resources, including an app. These are just a few of the ways we seek to support and equip THE FAMILY as the primary disciple-makers of our students!
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