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04.13.25 @ 9 AM
GOOD FRIDAY 04.18.25 @ 7 PM
04.20.25 @ 9 AM
Do you ever wonder why Jesus is such a big deal to some people? Do you understand who he is and why anyone would worship him? Do you ever find Jesus and his followers to be perplexing?
The events of Easter Week confused many of the original observers of Jesus' life and death. Here is this man who is celebrated as a king only to be crucified as a criminal later that week. Even on the day of his resurrection, as Jesus became the walking companion of two of his followers, they still did not recognize him at first. Even more, they did not understand why he had to die and rise again.
Who is this Jesus? The opinions in the first century were many, just as they are today, but Jesus himself proved the definitive truth about who he was through his life, death, and resurrection. Join us this Easter season as we answer the question, “Who is this Jesus?”
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