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Church Membership

The Church is made up of followers of Jesus who have genuinely believed the gospel, resulting in a life marked by identifiable and growing character. It is the mission of the Church to preach the gospel to all nations and establish believers in the teaching that identifies the transformation that needs to take place in all of our lives to the glory of God for the advancement of his gospel (see 1 Tim. 3:14-16). Therefore, membership at Oak Hill Fellowship Church is available to those who agree fully with the following statements about the Gospel and the resulting way of a disciple.

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The Gospel

The central truth of the gospel, or “good news,” is that Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord over all. God offers salvation from the penalty and power of sin (which is death) by grace through faith in Christ Jesus. The call of God for salvation and forgiveness of sins is to repent (to change our mind), which results in new belief about who God is as a holy God, what he has done in saving us through Jesus, who we are as people dead in our sin without Christ, and what we need to do to be reconciled to him. In committing to membership to this local expression of Christ’s Church, we believe in...

The Way of a Disciple

Believers in the gospel need to be transformed in the way of a disciple. The grace of God that powerfully saves us is the same grace that powerfully transforms every part of who we are. The result is living like Jesus Christ really is Savior and Lord overall. Jesus told his followers that as they made disciples, they were to “teach them to obey all that [he] commanded [them].” In the New Testament letters, we have the product of that command and a clear picture of the first principles of the Christian life. While perfection in these areas is not experienced in this life, we agree that as members of Christ’s church we will strive to be established in the following principles:

(717) 786-4559

1 W. 4th Street

Quarryville, PA 17566

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